Discovering joy and rest in unexpected plans

The first snowfall of autumn was a beast of a storm. In a matter of a couple hours, the green hills were white; packed with the crisp, white snow covering up the roads and making travel impossible.
Like that old saying “mind over matter”, I had plans and I was going to make it work! I had a train ticket from Scotland to London to meet up with Kenneth who has been away with work all week. We planned to catch a West End show, walk around and see the London Christmas lights, and have a weekend to ourselves. I was packed and ready and looked forwrad to our grand adventure. However, as the snow fell, blanketing the landscape, my plans quickly unraveled. The roads became treacherous, and I found myself stuck in the snow. As a Floridian living in Scotland, I realized I was out of my driving depth and called Kenneth. I woke him up pleading “What do I do?” He calmly responded, “I’ll call a farmer friend who lives close. He’ll bring his tractor over and plow away the snow.” So he made the call. After a few minutes, we heard back from him. Bob said, “Kenneth, all roads are blocked. Nothing is cleared yet and what’s more… my tractor is frozen and won’t start”. Hmmmm. So, I was packed, ready, ticket purchased, but it soon became apparent that I wasn’t going anywhere.

Thankfully, like an angel from heaven, my neighbor noticed I was not moving and ran out to see if I was all right. She told my back right tire was spinning in the snow. She pushed from the front while I hit all the buttons I thought I was supposed to for 4-wheel drive to activate, but we went nowhere. She advised me to abort the trip and head back to the house. So I grabbed my purse, left my luggage and charged back in the snow up to the house looking like a wet cat right after an unwanted bath. (All the pictures in this post I snapped while walking back to the house and wanted to share them with you.)

After the initial disappointment wore off, I decided to have a restful weekend. Forced rest… what a novel concept. I was fine! A warm home, the company of my cat, lots of FaceTime chats with Kenneth, and the prime opportunity to forage through the freezer to rediscover all the bits and bobs of left over meals that were lodged in the nooks and crannies of a chest freezer. As soon as it thawed out, I would prepare myself a feast of a bite of this and a nibble of that.
Home alone and nowhere to go, I chose to reflect on the beauty of the moment. I brewed a hot cup of coffee and settled by the window marveling at the serene landscape.
The snowfall, a seemingly mundane winter occurrence, turned into an opportunity for quiet, rest and gratitude. I watched neighbor children laughing, and sledding down the hill, thrilled with the snow. The same snow which prohibited me getting to the train station provided them happy day of play and memories.

Seeing “both sides of the snow” reminds me of an old saying “one man’s bad news is another man’s good news”.
That phrase can serve as a profound reminder of how God’s grace works through our unexpected circumstances. As Christians, we believe that God has a purpose for everything, and what may seem like a setback can often lead to divine opportunities.
Consider someone who experiences job loss. For them, this may feel like a devastating blow, filled with uncertainty and fear about the future. Yet, this situation can also be viewed as an opportunity for God to redirect their path. In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are reminded to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” While the individual may initially see this as bad news, these unexpected changes often lead to discovering a new vocation that aligns more closely with their calling, ultimately bringing them closer to God’s intended purpose for their life.
A biblical story that reflects the idea of “one man’s bad news is another man’s good news” is the account of Joseph in the book of Genesis.
Joseph, one of Jacob’s sons, faced severe misfortune when his brothers, consumed by jealousy, sold him into slavery in Egypt. To their father, they presented Joseph’s bloody coat, leading Jacob to believe that his beloved son had been killed. This was undoubtedly a tragic event for Joseph’s family, marking a time of deep sorrow and loss.

However, in Egypt, Joseph’s journey took a dramatic turn. Despite his initial hardships, including imprisonment after being falsely accused, Joseph remained faithful to God. His ability to interpret dreams eventually brought him to the attention of Pharaoh, who appointed him as a high-ranking official to manage Egypt’s resources during a severe famine.
When the famine struck, it was Joseph’s foresight and planning that saved not only Egypt but also his own family, who came seeking food. What began as a devastating situation for Joseph transformed into a pivotal moment that ultimately led to the preservation of his family and many others. In this way, Joseph’s misfortune became a blessing for both himself and those around him. He told his brothers “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good” (Gen 50:20). My snow day is nothing in comparison to the life of Joseph, but the principle is the same. I only know today, but God knew the end from the beginning.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” This scripture emphasizes the cyclical nature of life and the divine timing that governs our experiences. It reminds us that while we may encounter trials and setbacks, these moments can also serve a greater purpose, ultimately leading to opportunities for growth, healing, and redemption.
Joseph’s story and the wisdom of Ecclesiastes teach us to trust in God’s plan, recognizing that what may appear as bad news today, in one moment, can unfold into a blessing aligning us with God’s greater design for our lives.

With faith in God, we can handle life’s unexpected turns with grace. By trusting in God’s plan, we find hope and purpose even in challenging circumstances, encouraging us to look beyond our immediate struggles to see the greater good that God may be orchestrating.
As the snow continued to fall, I realized that life’s interruptions are often God’s way of inviting us into a moment of reflection, gratitude, and growth. What may seem like an obstacle in the moment could be part of a greater plan we cannot yet see. Trusting in His timing and purpose allows us to embrace life’s unexpected turns with faith and grace. This snowy day reminded me that sometimes the best blessings come disguised as disruptions, leading us closer to God and His perfect plans.
Don’t let today’s disruptions get you down. Times change, and things change. Overnight, the weather warmed up, and the snow melted into rain, washing away yesterday’s winter wonderland. It’s like yesterday was just a dream—today, the warmth has returned, and the green hills are back, reminding us that change can bring new beauty.
God’s plans may interrupt our own expectations, yet they can lead us to deeper understanding and joy. Instead of viewing snow as an obstacle, I see it as an invitation to pause, reflect, and appreciate life’s simple pleasures.
Have you ever experienced a moment where God’s plans interrupted your own? How did you see His purpose unfold in the end? I’d love to hear how you’ve found blessings in unexpected places—share your stories in the comments below!
Angela this is a beautiful reflection and reminder of God’s bigger jigsaw of our lives and sometimes setbacks and changed plans are just a piece of that jigsaw. Sometimes when I find myself in these situations my reaction is to literally shout out “plot twist!” … A beautiful and encouraging blog post